Are you over Zoom yet?
The BLT team in our first Zoom meeting of the season.
Chances are you are all Zoomed out. But here’s the good news, when it’s an internal team meeting, you can relax a little, while still keeping things professional and productive. Here are some tips and tricks we’ve found that help makes our team Zoom get-togethers fun and efficient, without suffering from video burnout.
Cameras On. ALWAYS. Treat a video conference like a conversation, and try to minimize distractions from other screens.
Keep it Short. If an in-person meeting is usually one hour, feel free to distill the video conference meeting to 30 minutes. With focus and fewer distractions, it’s easier to get through lots of agenda items in a short period of time. Speaking of Agenda...
Have an Agenda. This will help you get in and out and on with your day faster. It’s also a good idea to identify a call moderator who will facilitate the discussion from one item to the next.
Set up Social Hours. If socializing is usually a huge part of your standing meeting, set up a separate after-hours time for catching up, or perhaps set up one on ones with your favorite people
Keep it casual. A well-run meeting doesn’t mean we all have to be dressed to perfection. Feel free to dress down if you need to! This is your time to just be you and real... save the fancy for clients and interviews.
So there it is, 5 tips to get you on your way with group Zoom calls, but we probably have 500 more.
If you need any help navigating the hiring and job search climate, especially in this ever-growing virtual work world, we’re here to help.
Drop us a line - we’d love to chat! Or better yet, let’s hop on a video call ;)
Samantha Litman, BLT Recruiting