My First Boss: Susan Franceschini


Every so often, you are blessed with a boss that is supportive, encouraging and cares about your future. For Samantha Litman, BLT’s Executive Director, she got that and more with her first boss, Susan Franceschini.

Sam was hired as a temporary HR Coordinator for Davis Elen Advertising (then called Davis, Ball & Colombatto, aka, “DBC”) in 1992, where Susan was leading HR. Susan quickly took Sam under her wing, and for Sam, working at Davis Elen became “the best job she ever had, with the best boss she ever had.” Susan and Sam became so close, that they were often called the “Sue & Sam duo.”

Susan and Sam continue to be good friends and share a peer-mentorship with one another. In this series of videos, Susan shares some of her wisdom from her 40+ years in the advertising industry.

Sam’s First Lesson Working in HR

Sam’s first lesson in HR? Don’t think in HR you’re ever going to get to go lunch with your coworkers. They’re going to want the “HR scoop,” and it can be tricky to navigate friendships while remaining professional. You need to stay in neutral territory. 

Susan shares her thoughts about how that’s changed now.

Advice for Those Just Starting in Advertising

You can STILL meet people even during this time, and the truth is, people like to talk about themselves, and they like to help. The more that you can learn about your coworkers or learn about other departments, the better. Set up a coffee (15-minute zooms) and do informational interviews with people from different departments. And ask them for referrals for people in other departments as well.

How To Pivot

“The winds are going to blow. It’s a matter of how you set your sails.”

Whether you're trying to advance your current career or pick a new one, sometimes we all need strategies to change course or direction. Susan offers her advice for how to pivot in your career.

How to Ask for Help in Your Career

Whether you're trying to advance your current career or pick a new one, Susan offers suggestions for how to find and ask people for help. Oftentimes you already know the answer, but the right people will ask the right questions to help guide you to the answer.

Embrace a “Beginner’s Mind”

Susan shares her strategies about embrace curiosity, a sense of wonder, and a constant need for learning to help stay fresh.

Life is Not a To-Do List

“To-do lists have an absolute place, but doesn’t equate to who you are in this world.” - Sam

We all often will equate productivity with success, and that’s simply not true. If your intentions change for the day, so be it. Make sure you have a clear understanding of your values; allow your values to be the lens that you look at the world through. Make decisions through that lens and then you don’t have to waiver it its right or wrong.

How Can We Infuse More Humanity into the Workplace?

HR professionals need to recognize that they are not hiring a resume, they are hiring a whole person. As Susan puts it: “That means I’m hiring you, your boyfriend, your mom. I’m hiring all of you. All of you show up to work. The more I know you as a person, the more we can actually work together.”

Respond vs. React - The :16 Method

Before stressful meetings, events, and interviews, Susan recommends the :16 breathing method.

Susan’s Ultimate Advice: Never Stop Learning

Keep training yourself like Howard. ☺️

Susan Franceschini is the former Executive Director of ThinkLA, a Media, Marketing, & Advertising Collective with a mission to connect, inspire and educate the LA marketing community.