Demo Reel Tips for VFX Artists

VFX Artists: hiring managers and sups use your reel of work to learn more about you, so it’s important to take advantage of the space and to show off your creativity and inject your personality.

Here are some additional demo reel suggestions to stand out to hiring managers and recruiters.

  1. Keep it short - no longer than two minutes.

  2. Your best work should be first. Hopefully, it's also your most recent work! - Be sure to include contact info (email, telephone #) somewhere on your reel.

  3. Ideally, you have a website with a page for your resume, your professional work, and your personal work. But if not that, at least a well-organized Vimeo page where all of your work can be viewed at once.

  4. Breakdowns are awesome - they help hiring managers ascertain your specific skills. "Before/Afters" (hard to get, I know), text overlay with tools and your contribution, or even an accompanying .pdf help tremendously.

  5. Use ONLY your work. I'm sure that doesn't need saying, but saying it just in case...

  6. After you assemble your reel, send it to your peers, friends, and family for honest feedback BEFORE you send it along for a prospective job.