Resume Tips for VFX Artists (and Everyone)

Have you taken a look at your resume lately?  Your resume and reel are the first things a Hiring Manager or Supervisor reviews prior to considering an interview. Here are some tips to ensure your resume is up to date:

  1. KEEP the formatting simple.  There are many free downloadable templates on the internet - consider starting there.

  2. INCLUDE contact info, including specific geographic region.

  3. DO include citizenship info, including the expiry date of any visas.

  4. ADD your soft skills in your Summary sentence, at the top of your resume.

  5. KEEP everything on one page.  

  6. YOU MAY add a separate page for projects of note, or include your IMDB or reel URL in the contact info.

  7. DO read the job description of the role for which you are applying and rework your resume to highlight your specific experience for that role, but don't crib the exact wording.

  8. USE a search engine to learn about optimizing your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

  9. LIST your degrees and any awards/personal accomplishments after your work experience.

  10. INCLUDE a "personal interest" section near the bottom, especially if those interests align with your career goals (ie fine artist, cartoonist, photographer, gamer)

  11. PROOFREAD or have a friend look it over to ensure there are no spelling errors

  12. PDF and RENAME - ideally something like FirstNameLastName_TheYear_Resume

  13. CONSIDER creating a resume that encompasses all of your skills and work - you can "save as" and edit for specific roles

  14. COVER PAGES are nice and show the Hiring Manager that you have looked at the company, understand the kind of work, and have a full understanding of the role

These are just the basics, there is so much more to explore in this arena, a quick search engine inquiry for "Resume best practices" will provide more for you to explore.

Susan O'Neal