Industry News & Blog
Are you over Zoom yet?
Here are some tips and tricks we’ve found that help makes our team Zoom get-togethers fun and efficient, without suffering from video burnout.
My First Placement: Harry Hantel
BLT Recruiter Harry Hantel shares his first placement story.
Andrea Andrews: tips on refreshing your book, resume, reel, and website.
Andrea Andrews: tips on refreshing your book, resume, reel, and website.
How to Rock Your Next ZOOM Interview
Conference calls, we’ve all had them, and they’re almost always awkward. From “Can you hear me OK?,” to “No, You go first! Or my personal favorite, “I’m sorry, I was on mute.” There’s a lot that can be lost in translation, or rather, just lost - bad connection anyone?
Seven Tips for the Newly Virtual Agency
Creativity in ad agencies seems to have always happened In The Room—when a creative team or an account team all get together to brainstorm. The value of an agency comes from the collision of ideas that happen when people intersect with each other, day after day.
How Marketers Can Navigate Branding During Coronavirus
Coronavirus has thrown all our marketing (and personal) plans out the window. We’re all experiencing the pandemic on individual, community, workplace and macro-economic levels, and many of us—including myself—know that the rest of 2020 will be a challenging year for business.
What Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Mean for Your Job Search?
As companies move to remote work to fight the coronavirus pandemic and an increasing number of workers are being laid off or furloughed, you might be wondering if you should continue to send out resumes or just assume that no one is hiring for the foreseeable future.
Can The Coronavirus Impact Your Ability To Get A Job?
As a career coach, I've been seeing the same question come up over and over again: Can the coronavirus impact your ability to get a job? The short answer is yes.