Industry News & Blog

BLT Recruiting BLT Recruiting

Freelancers with Benefits

BLT Offers Benefits for Contract Workers

BLT’s mission is to discover the missing ingredient and honor brand culture by placing the most promising talent year after year. In a unique hiring climate like we’re in, that “missing ingredient,” means having offerings that mutually benefit our clients and the talent they’re looking for.

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Susan O'Neal Susan O'Neal

How to Find a Job

So. You're looking for a job. Maybe you're unemployed, underemployed, or otherwise feeling restless. Here are some ways to help you refine your search and hopefully increase your chances of success.

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Susan O'Neal Susan O'Neal

Resume Tips for VFX Artists (and Everyone)

Have you taken a look at your resume lately? Your resume and reel are the first things a Hiring Manager or Supervisor reviews prior to considering an interview. Here are some tips to ensure your resume is up to date.

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